Wednesday, December 11, 2013

An Eye in the Storm

Bestowal dialogue

You have taken your first steps down the long road of understanding the power of runes and language, <name>, but your next few steps will not be as easy. Runes can describe actions and occurrences in the world and in nature, but so too can nature affect the words that describe it.
An Elf named Techeryn sometimes travels to The Forsaken Inn on the western edge of the Lone-lands. She will be able to instruct you further about the connexion between such things.'


In order to prove yourself a learned and able Rune-keeper, there are mysteries of language and of nature you must dissolve.

Objective 1

Techeryn is often outside The Forsaken Inn, on the western edge of the Lone-lands.
You have been told to speak with Techeryn, an Elf who can give you more insight into the interplay between runes and the natural world.
Rune-keeper Trainer: 'An elf named Techeryn sometimes travels to The Forsaken Inn on the western edge of the Lone-lands. She will be able to instruct you further about the connexion between runes and the natural world.'
Techeryn: I can teach you more about the relationship between the runes and the natural world, <name>, but it may not be an easy lesson.
'Consider the fury of a storm in the mountains: it fumes and roils, full of wrath. Now think on the rune that describes the storm. Does it capture the meaning of the storm? Its anger, or its motion?
'Let the storm inscribe its power on the runes that describe it, <name>. You must come with me if you are to learn this lesson. Speak with me when you are ready.'

Objective 2

Techeryn is outside The Forsaken Inn, on the western edge of the Lone-lands.
The Rune-keeper Techeryn has agreed to entangle more mysteries of runes and is waiting to speak with you.
Techeryn: 'Are you ready for my lesson, <name>? We will travel to Weathertop and wait for a storm to arise. My lesson awaits on the summit.'
This is a Solo quest, and cannot be completed with a Fellowship.
Complete the Instance: An Eye in the Storm quest.

Objective 3

  • Talk to Techeryn at The Forsaken Inn
Techeryn is outside The Forsaken Inn, on the western edge of the Lone-lands.
Your experience on Weathertop with Techeryn has taught you some more about the interplay between runes and the natural world. The Elf is waiting to speak with you about the experience.
Techeryn: 'You saw the markings the lightning left on the rune-stones, <name>; I cannot explain them, except to say that the words we use to describe certain events, and the runes we use to describe those words, did not arise by accident.
'There is power in even the smallest of words, even such power as you beheld in the clouds of the storm atop Amon Sul.
'You will be more adept at wielding this power in the future, <name>. Indeed, you are better at it already, though you may not have observed this to be so!'

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