Thursday, November 21, 2013

There's No Place Like Home

Bestowal dialogue


'Well, now that you have a place to live, <name>, you should certainly consider buying some furniture and other comforts for it. I recommend you speak with Bill Twiggins. You can find his shop in the market square of the community...I'm sure he;ll be able to help you out!'


'Ah, <name>, I am pleased that you have found a fine place to live. I am afraid however, that you may find the furnishings a bit, well, frugal.
'You should speak with Barthavron in the market square of the community. He shall help you however he can to make your new home more comfortable.'

The Shire

'You shan't be disappointed with your new home, my friend, but it comes with precious little in the way of amenities. For those, you should speak with Rolf Bracegirdle, who can be found in the market square within the community.'

Thorin's Hall

'So, now that you are the owner of a proper home, you will likely want to decorate it a bit? My good friend Rambi can certainly help you out - you can find him in the market square within the community itself. Rambi has many fine things for sale!'



You now have a place to call home, but it would be even nicer with some fine decorations.


You now have a place to call home, but it would be even nicer with some fine decorations.

The Shire

You have joined the community of Michel Delving, though you have yet to decorate your home.

Thorin's Hall

You have become a member of the fine Thorin's Hall community, but your house is lacking in decoration.

Objective 1


Bill Twiggins is in the market square of the Bree homestead.
Nan Henwood has sent you to speak with Bill Twiggins in hopes that he can help you furnish your home.
Bill: 'What's that? You bought a house? Wonderful!
'I'm sorry, but things have been awfully busy around here of late, and I've something of a backlog to work through, but have no fear! I'll not send you away empty-handed. Old Bill does right by his customers, he does!
'Here you go! A little something to get you started with your fine new home.'


Barthavron is in the market square of the Falathlorn homestead.
Barchiril has sent you to speak with her friend Barthavron.
Barthavron: 'Well met, <name>. I see you have chosen to take a home in Falathlorn. You may wish to enrich the natural beauty of your home though, and I can certainly aid you in that endeavour.
'In addition to the general wares and stocks I offer, I would also like to bestow upon you a simple gift to celebrate your decision to join us.'

The Shire

Rolf Bracegirdle is in the market square in the Michel Delving homestead.
Andy Brockhouse has asked you to speak with Rolf Bracegirdle, a decorator who might be able to help you furnish your home.
Rolf: 'Greetings, <name>, and welcome to the Michel Delving community! No doubt you wish to begin making your new hole a bit more comfortable. Well, I'm the fellow who will help you out with that.
'To get you started, I have a little house-warming gift for you.'

Thorin's Hall

Rambi is in the market square within the Thorin's Hall homestead.
Rúni has told you to speak with his friend Dúsi about acquiring goods for your house.
Rambi: 'Greetings, <name>, and welcome to our fine community! Of course, a home isn't much of a home until it has been properly furnished and decorated. That is where I come in!
'To get folk started, I like to offer a little something to our newest customers -- think of it as a homewarming from me to you.'

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