Friday, November 29, 2013

Introduction to Woodworking

Bestowal dialogue

'I think that crafting wood is a very noble pursuit, and I have enlisted the aid of one of the finest novices in Michel Delving to assist each new apprentice.
'You will want to speak with Belba Bracegirdle over near the workbench. She has volunteered her time and energy to teach all the new apprentices. Mind her well.'


Woodworkers are needed in many areas of life, from making furniture through crafting bows. A good woodworker is always a welcome addition to the Crafting Guilds.
Be careful! You will need to complete the correct recipes and deliver the correct items outlined in this quest.
You will need to execute the rowan bowstaff and rowan bow recipes and deliver the rowan bow. Failing to do so will force you to obtain new raw materials or to restart the quest after a 24-hour delay.

Objective 1

  • Speak with <NPC> near the workbench in the crafting area
You should speak with <NPC> at the workbench in <location> to learn more about woodworking.
'Well, look here...another would-be woodworker. I am pleased to meet you and looking forward to helping you get started.
'If I go too fast, or you need help at any point, you can ask me questions about woodworking, and I will do my best to provide you with clear direction. The first and most important step is having the proper ingredients.
'I set aside a few for new woodworkers like yourself. Take this crate and let us begin.'
Woodworker vendors sell ingredients and recipes that are a vital part of any Woodworker's training and continued work.

Objective 2

<NPC> provided you with a crate full of ingredients that you can use to execute the rowan bow recipe. Open the crate to get the ingredients.
Ingredients for Woodworkers are normally purchased from vendors or traded from players with the forester profession. You can also find ingredients on the Auction Hall.
You now have all the ingredients to make a rowan bow

Objective 3

<NPC> provided you with the ingredients necessary to create a rowan bow. First, however, you must prepare the rowan bowstaff.
You have made a rowan bowstaff

Objective 4

  • Using the ingredients you have, create a rowan bow
The rowan bowstaff is complete, and you are now ready to create the rowan bow, as instructed by <NPC>.
You have made a rowan bow

Objective 5

  • Bring the rowan bow to <NPC>
The recipe is complete. Do not sell the rowan bow! Time to show your handiwork to your mentor, <NPC>.
'Let me see what you were able to do....'
She inspects the weapon with a discerning eye.
'A gentle curve to the bow. Strung very well, good and taut. This is fine work.
'I think that you have done very, very well, <name>. I approve and declare you a novice woodworker.'

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